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MSR Electronics GmbH expands consulting expertise worldwide

Soldering? Not so easy! MSR sales partner at the product training course. Broadening knowledge, enhancing skills: data logger specialist MSR invited over 40 international sales partners to famous Swiss mountain Säntis for intensive product training. Measurement tasks are often complex, …
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MSR data loggers as transport detectives for CERN

MSR data loggers as transport detectives for CERN Both MSR175 and MSR175plus transport data loggers were used for test transports of CERN's sensitive detector modules from Europe to the USA.

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How to avoid transport damage in the mail order business?

How to avoid transport damage in the mail order business? During transport, it can happen that the goods being transported are damaged, whether by shock and impact or by fluctuations in temperature, pressure, or humidity. Data loggers can help to prevent damage, or to protect goods by determining the cause and taking the appropriate preventive action.

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MSR175plus transport data logger with GPS and simultaneous shock detection ±15 g and ±200 g

MSR175plus transport data logger with GPS and simultaneous shock detection ±15 g and ±200 g Where and when did critical events such as shocks or temperature changes take place during the transport? The MSR175plus helps you answer this question.

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MSR165 acceleration data logger for fault diagnosis

MSR165 acceleration data logger for fault diagnosis During product development of a new saddle stitcher for magazines, the Muller Martini company discovered the failure of sensors. The cause of the failure was tracked down using MSR165 data loggers.

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MSR Loggers determine load values in filling plants

MSR Loggers determine load values in filling plants The data loggers newly developed by IGR – Institute for Glass and Raw Materials Technology in cooperation with MSR Electronics GmbH allow the recording of accelerations in the original filled glass containers.

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Acceleration Data Logger MSR165

Acceleration Data Logger MSR165 Case study of the German Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA). The acceleration data logger MSR165 was used in a test about process dynamics during the machining of CFRP components.

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New: MSR BudgetLine Data Loggers

New: MSR BudgetLine Data Loggers Low cost temperature and humidity PDF data loggers for transport and storage. Reusable, super easy to use, calibration certificate and software included.

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New: MSR145W2D WiFi Data Logger

New: MSR145W2D WiFi Data Logger With the new mini data logger, virtually any number of metrological applications can be flexibly implemented, by integrating it into a WiFi.

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Acceleration Sensors Measure Sitting Activity on Dynamic Office Chairs

Acceleration Sensors Measure Sitting Activity on Dynamic Office Chairs Together with the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), rotavis AG developed an innovative technology that promotes active sitting. 30 prototype chairs were fitted for the study with MSR145 data loggers on the moveable seat.

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Hot on the trail of damage during transit

Hot on the trail of damage during transit The MSR175 data loggers are particularly well-suited for transportation monitoring of all types of goods. How often does cargo suffer damage during transport, whether as a result of jolts and shocks or fluctuations in temperature, pressure or humidity?

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Vibrations: where, how and to what extent?

Vibrations: where, how and to what extent? With vibration data logger MSR165 of MSR Electronics, it is quick and easy to ascertain where vibrations occur. Read the new case study about MSR165 in use at u-blox AG.

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Why is it important to measure acceleration?

Why is it important to measure acceleration? How can we record vibrations? What do we mean by a jolt or shock? What methods can we use to detect damage to cargo caused by shocks? And which MSR data logger is best suited for which measuring task?

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New: Shock Transportation Data Logger MSR175

New: Shock Transportation Data Logger MSR175 Shock monitoring ±15 g/±200 g; storage capacity of two million measured values; up to 6,400 measurements/s; temperature, humidity, pressure and light sensors; MSR ShockViewer software

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MSR385WD Wireless Data Loggers: climatic measurements in trams

MSR385WD Wireless Data Loggers: climatic measurements in trams Whether bus, tram or train: By reducing the temperature in the passenger compartment by just a few degrees, we can significantly lower the heating costs.

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New Data Logger for measuring the physiological properties for textiles

New Data Logger for measuring the physiological properties for textiles MSR147WD with plug-in humidity and temperature sensors. This wireless data logger has been designed for measuring the physiological properties of textiles.

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Mini Data Loggers detect moisture damage

Mini Data Loggers detect moisture damage MSR data loggers help identify the causes of building physics-related problems, thus facilitating well-founded damage repair. Read now the user report by a construction and energy expert.

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Continuous monitoring for goods transports

Continuous monitoring for goods transports MSR transport data loggers determine the causes of damage during transit. Belimo Automation decided to employ the MSR145 loggers to monitor and document the temperature and humidity conditions prevailing during the transport.

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New: MSR ShockViewer

New: MSR ShockViewer The new MSR ShockViewer data logger software, which specialises in analysing shock events and jolts, allows you to clearly present extensive measured data, as well as quickly analyse and conclusively document critical events.

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Product optimisation through data analysis

In order to obtain insights regarding the intensity of use of an electric wheelchair that is geared towards golfing, engineers at Otto Bock Mobility Solutions GmbH recorded the usage behaviour of wheelchair users using MSR data loggers.

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Measured data from the aircraft seat

Measured data from the aircraft seat The Lantal Textiles Company is considered to be the global leader in the design, manufacture and marketing of textiles for air, bus and rail traffic. Lantal uses MSR wireless mini data loggers for developing new generations of aircraft seat components.

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Alpine skiing: Swiss junior champion in the downhill event measures stress on the knee by means of MSR Data Logger

Alpine skiing: Swiss junior champion in the downhill event measures stress on the knee by means of MSR Data Logger What is the level of the acceleration forces that impact upon the knees while skiing? Thea Waldleben, the current Swiss junior champion in the downhill event, addressed this question.

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MSR Data Logger for medical study

MSR Data Logger for medical study A pilot study by the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland / Physiotherapy Grisons on using vibration devices for the postoperative rehabilitation of patients with knee prostheses used MSR165 data loggers to measure the vibrations.

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Spectacular: Measuring g-forces in Formula 1 cars

Spectacular: Measuring g-forces in Formula 1 cars For “Evil Science”, the “meanest and toughest knowledge show of all times”, rock star Evil Jared Hasselhoff is confronting the most extreme g-forces. First of all, Jared is fulfilling a man’s dream – riding in a Formula 1 car. An MSR165 acceleration data logger will be used to measure which g-forces occur during this fast ride.

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MSR Data Loggers measures g-forces upon impact

MSR Data Loggers measures g-forces upon impact Developers at the Austrian Airpatrol Company used MSR165 data loggers to calculate and analyse the g-forces that impact upon the jumper when landing on the airbag.

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MSR Data Logger in search of leakages in vacuum chambers

MSR Data Logger in search of leakages in vacuum chambers For acceptance tests of a vacuum chamber, Climeworks AG – an internationally successful developer of CO2 collectors – selected a data logger of the type MSR255 by MSR Electronics GmbH.

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MSR145WD Wireless Data Loggers monitor pharmaceutical warehouses

MSR145WD Wireless Data Loggers monitor pharmaceutical warehouses In a professional pharmaceutical distribution chain, critical environmental parameters such as humidity and temperature must be monitored and documented accurately. Mini data loggers provide indispensable support for this.

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Now also with GSM terminal: MSR385WD Data Logger for remote monitoring

Now also with GSM terminal: MSR385WD Data Logger for remote monitoring Permanently record temperature, humidity and pressure at various measuring points and at operating temperatures from -20 °C to +125 °C, and monitor them via the MSR SmartCloud: The MSR385WD data logger, which is now also available with a GSM terminal, offers these options.

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MSR165 Data Logger to measure g-forces for Talos

MSR165 Data Logger to measure g-forces for Talos With its Transport Simulator, Talos enables its customers to find out how they can optimise transportation and packaging of its products. The British company uses the MSR165 shock and vibration data logger to measure the g-forces.

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New: MSR DataLogger App

New: MSR DataLogger App With the app for the MSR145WD data logger you can start and stop data recordings of your wireless data logger and view the real-time data on your smartphone. In addition, the app can read out the measured data from the MSR145WD and transfer them to the MSR SmartCloud.

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MSR Mini Data Loggers optimise transports

MSR Mini Data Loggers optimise transports In order to better assess transportation stresses and to uncover the causes of damage during transit, Lausanne-based company Trimos SA decided to carry out trial deliveries using an MSR165 data logger.

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MSR165 Data Logger for vibration analysis

MSR165 Data Logger for vibration analysis Vibration analyses on concrete vibrating tables provide important quality assurance parameters. As the user report of Creabeton Matériaux AG shows, MSR165 data loggers are perfectly suited as diagnostic tools.

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Collecting data for secure transportation

Collecting data for secure transportation MSR data loggers record and store the most important physical impacts on cargo (acceleration/shock/jolt/vibration, temperature, relative humidity, air pressure, light) and therefore make it easier to optimise logistics concepts, as well as quickly and cost-effectively settle any liability and quality assurance issues.

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Detecting machine trouble quickly and accurately

Detecting machine trouble quickly and accurately MSR165 data loggers can be used in all areas of the machine building sector to detect and record all kinds of oscillation patterns, vibrations or shock loads. The evaluation of the recorded parameters facilitates the quick and cost-effective fault diagnosis and subsequent mechanical or electromechanical optimisation.

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New: MSR385WD Data Logger with wireless sensors

New: MSR385WD Data Logger with wireless sensors Permanently record temperature, humidity and pressure values using miniature transmitter modules over long periods of time, at operating temperatures from -20 °C to +125 °C, even in inaccessible locations: The MSR385WD wireless data logger offers these options.

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Hot on the trail of energy loss in compressed air systems

Hot on the trail of energy loss in compressed air systems The Energy Savings division of Festo offers compressed air users customised services to determine and tap compressed air savings potentials. There is talk of up to 60 % savings – despite increasing productivity. Festo employs MSR145 data loggers for flow rate measurements on the one hand and for recording pressure values on the other hand.

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MSR Electronics successfully registered

MSR Electronics successfully registered Achilles, a global provider of supplier management and supply chain solutions, carries out supplier qualifications for energy, technology and automation companies such as ABB. At the beginning of March 2015, MSR Electronics GmbH was successfully registered with the Achilles Power & Tech Supply Management Community.

Certificate of Qualification

MSR Data Loggers for NASA in space:

MSR Data Loggers for NASA in space: What stresses is the cargo exposed to on the way to the International Space Station? Orbital Sciences tries to answer this question using MSR Data Loggers.

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Best practice evidence for transport of medical devices

Best practice evidence for transport of medical devices Professional moving of medical devices requires high level of competence and modern transport logistics. Uroviva Services AG, specializes in transport of medical devices and uses MSR data loggers for quality assurance.

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MSR Data Loggers for artwork transportation

MSR Data Loggers for artwork transportation The MSR165 was featured in the German science programme nano, broadcast by 3sat on 8 Oct. 2014, in its report on ‘Fragile freight – research enables safe artwork transport’.

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Orbital-2-Mission to Space Station

Orbital-2-Mission to Space Station MSR165 Data Loggers on their way to the International Space Station ISS.

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Shock monitoring is now possible up to 200 g

Shock monitoring is now possible up to 200 g Due to its extended working range, the compact MSR165 data logger can now record shocks up to 200 g, at a measuring and storage rate of up to 1600 values per second. For a longer recording period of up to five years the shock logger can now be equipped with replaceable batteries.

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To ensure that the products reach the customer undamaged: MSR Data Loggers for continuous transportation monitoring

To ensure that the products reach the customer undamaged: MSR Data Loggers for continuous transportation monitoring Which transportation stresses occur during pallet and individual shipment of products? The globally leading cleaning equipment manufacturer Kärcher researched this issue, using MSR data loggers.

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Now available! MSR145WD Wireless Data Logger with BLE, Display & MSR SmartCloud

Now available! MSR145WD Wireless Data Logger with BLE, Display & MSR SmartCloud Wireless monitoring of measurement data and rapid reading of measured values – this ease of use is offered by the new MSR145WD. The logger is equipped with Bluetooth Low Energy, an OLED display and the optional "MSR SmartCloud" service for mobile data monitoring.

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Miniaturised data loggers help with machinery, workpiece and manufacture optimisation

Miniaturised data loggers help with machinery, workpiece and manufacture optimisation Tracking down signs of wear: With MSR165, the dynamic mechanical loads of workpiece holders can be identified precisely.

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MSR145 for fall detection by smart phone

MSR145 for fall detection by smart phone Researchers at the University of Roehampton used MSR data loggers with tri-axial accelerometers to record signals during a fall of the human body.

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New: Special data logger for soot particulate filter monitoring

New: Special data logger for soot particulate filter monitoring The basic module of the MSR data logger for soot particulate filter monitoring includes the special data logger for measuring differential pressure, temperature and speed, a separate LED and user-friendly PC software for data acquisition and analysis.

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MSR145 used for space medicine

MSR145 used for space medicine The University of Zurich and the Swiss Air Force have executed a unique, joint space medicine research – MSR145 mini data loggers are integral parts of the control module of the experimental system.

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MSR145 Data Logger with more options

MSR145 Data Logger with more options Five in one go: The new possibility of selecting up to five sensors of the same measurand affords the user a multitude of new areas of application for the MSR145 mini data logger.

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MSR measures g-forces for Galileo test

MSR measures g-forces for Galileo test TV show “Galileo” by ProSieben is going on an expedition into microcosm and wants to know: which g-forces would humans be subjected to if they moved like the cyclist spider?

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The MSR165 takes off!

The MSR165 takes off! Together with British Ministry of Defence (UK MOD) Aircraft Project Teams and Defence Contractors, the UK MOD’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) has undertaken a range of laboratory testing and flight trials using MSR165 dataloggers.

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MSR data logger in TV show “Galileo”, Pro7

MSR data logger in TV show “Galileo”, Pro7 Spectacular acceleration measurements for “Middle Ages eXtreme” programme! What truth is in Hollywood’s film myths of Robin Hood & Co.?

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Live a healthier life with the activity.COACH

Live a healthier life with the activity.COACH Put your resolution to get more exercise into practice now! The Medbase exercise scientists have developed particularly effective health management programmes using the MSR data logger.

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MSR Technology integrated in Pelvic Floor Trainer

The PelvicTool which was developed by the Swiss company Brinkhaus Management GmbH and incorporates MSR Electronics technology is raising international interest.

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MSR Data Logger on Swiss Television!

MSR Data Logger on Swiss Television! The information magazine “Einstein” of SF DRS broadcast a very interesting program about water skiing as an extreme sport. MSR data logger was on board.

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For acceleration measurements at exposed locations

For acceleration measurements at exposed locations For the first time MSR dataloggers are also available with an external instead of an internal 3-axis accelerometer!

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